Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Sakai installation nightmare

Ok, a lot of water has passed down the bridge, a few weeks of work and creating Tag Clouds for Sakai using Lucene indexes.
The installation nightmare was terrible and it seems that it finally ended, for a while.... the problem I think is the incredible pressure that frameworks impose on developers. As there are so many things to care of, obviously, as human beings that we are, we just forgot.
Two important bugs were taking care of our problems:
  • When upgrading to Hibernate 3, the people from Sakai forgot to change the declaration of some DTDs, the bug is here. The found the problem and created a patch, I tried the production branch and it didn't work... it was hard to realize that when they committed the patch, they forgot one file... ok, I posted the problem and now it's fixed.
  • But when we were trying to install from the 2.3.x branch again, the errors came up again, but why? Well, Dimitri found that a set on the file we were using was the problem, we set to a different place than target, just to hide it in Eclipse, it was changed to ".target". The problem was that a tool named samigo had a "hard coded" path using the target build.dir, why this happens? because there are too many pieces to move and people just forget. Well, Dimitri reported the bug, another little improvement. Now we have to make Sakai work properly with our code.